Our beauty drinks contain MACRO-antioxidants®. These are larger and more powerful versions of the antioxidants we get from foods. Exclusive to Beauty & Go, MACRO-antioxidants® are extracted from the skin of fruits. Therefore, they are not part of our usual diet. The most powerful antioxidants are found in the skin of fruits, as this is where they are most needed to protect from environmental damage. In fact, the fruit peel contains 50-70% of the total antioxidant capacity. MACRO-antioxidants® also remain in the body for longer because they are bound to fruit fibre. So the antioxidant status in the body is raised for significantly longer.
The health benefits of MACRO-antioxidants® are backed by 15 years of scientific research carried out by the Spanish National Research Council. They have been proven to be extremely effective at fighting the effects of free radical damage to skin. In addition, Beauty & Go drinks are a rich source of ‘regular’ antioxidants from specially selected antioxidant-rich fruits, fruit extracts, concentrates and botanicals.